
Applying MSP to the MSI

Applying MSP to the MSI

The following steps can be used to apply MSP over the MSI.

1)     Extract the MSI file from setup.exe (if it is not available in source)
            Setup.exe /a

2)    Create AIP for the source MSI
            msiexec /a  sample.msi  TARGETDIR="C:\Extracted Source\" (This will dump MSI and its files to the location "C:\Extracted Source\")

3)     Extract the MSP file from Patch EXE (if it is not available in source)
            PATCH.EXE /Q /C /T:C:\ProjSP (This will extract patch from EXE say for example Sample.msp to the location "C:\ProjSP\")

4)    Apply the Patch from "C:\ProjSP\" over the extracted MSI at "C:\Extracted Source\"
            msiexec /p "C:\ProjSP\Sample.msp" /a "C:\Extracted Source\Sample.msi" SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE /qb

The MSI and its files under the Admin installation location "C:\Extracted Source\" will now include Patch and its files changes.

We need to create MST for the resultant MSI at "C:\Extracted Source\"

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