
Secure Transforms

Secure transforms are simply transforms that are kept in a place where the user does not have write access. This might be the root of the location where an administrative installation of the package has been performed (Secure-at-Source transforms). It might also be a share or full path elsewhere on the network (Secure-Full-Path transforms).

You can indicate that the Installer should use secure transforms by special
characters in the TRANSFORMS property (discussed in the next section) or by setting the TransformsSecure or TransformsAtSource properties within the Installer database to 1.

When the Installer uses a secure transform, it will cache a copy of that transform locally. If the local copy becomes lost or damaged, it will restore it only from the original location.

Custom Action Types

This table also shows how you should interpret the Source and Target columns for each type of custom action

.dll stored in a binary
Key to a row in the
Binary table
Name of the .dll
entry point.
.exe stored in a binary
Key to a row in the
Binary table
Command-line string
used to launch the
JScript in a binary
Key to a row in the
Binary table
Name of the JScript
function to call.
VBScript in a binary
Key to a row in the
Binary table
Name of the VBScript
function to call
Installation of a
package nested inside
of the first package
Name of the substorage
database of nested
Properties settings
.dll installed as part
of a product
Key to a row in the File
Name of the .dll
entry point.
.exe installed as part
of a product
Key to a row in the File
Command-line string
used to launch the
Displays a specified
error message and
returns failure,
terminating the
Formatted text string.
The literal message or
an index into the Error
JScript file installed as
part of a product
Key to a row in the File
Name of the JScript
function to call.
VBScript file installed
as part of a product
Key to a row in the File
Name of the VBScript
function to call.
Installation of a
package that resides in
the first application’s
source tree
Path of nested
package specified
relative to the root of
the source location
Properties settings
EXE in a known
Key to a row in the
Directory table
Name of the
executable file and any
options. Use quotes to
surround long file
Directory set via
formatted text
Key to the Directory
Formatted text string
that will be set as the
directory path when
this action is executed.
JScript text         
A string of JScript code
to execute.
VBScript text
A string of VBScript
code to execute.
Installation of an
application that is
advertised or already
Product Code for the
application to install
Properties settings
.exe named by a
Property name or key
to a row in the Property
Command-line string
used to launch the
Property set via
formatted text
Property name or key
to the Property table
Formatted text string
that will be stored in
the property when this
action is executed.
JScript text stored in a
Property name or key
to a row in the Property
Name of the JScript
function to call.
VBScript text stored in
a property
Property name or key
to a row in the Property
Name of the VBScript
function to call.

File Versioning Rules

Suppose your installation source contains a file named XXXXX.dll, and the
Installer finds a copy of XXXXX.dll already on the user’s hard drive. How
would you decide whether to overwrite the existing copy on the hard drive with a new copy from the source media? Your first idea might be to compare file dates; you would then overwrite if the copy in the source media was newer. A more sophisticated version of this technique is to look at the internal file version information, and overwrite if the copy in the source media has a higher version.

The Windows Installer uses an even more complex algorithm when deciding
whether to keep an existing file or install a new copy. It takes into account not just the file dates and the version, but the languages involved as well. Here’s the set of rules the Windows Installer follows:

Highest version wins: All other things being equal, the file with the highest
version number wins, whether that’s the file on the hard drive or the file in the
source media.

Any version is higher than no version at all: If the copy in the source media
contains version information, and the copy on the hard drive has no version
information, Windows Installer chooses the one with the version information.

Favor the new language: All other things being equal, if the file being
installed is localized for a different language than the file on the computer, Windows Installer uses the copy with the language that matches the product being installed.

Meet the product’s needs for multiple languages: If both copies support
multiple languages, Windows Installer ignores the common languages and uses the copy that supports the most languages out of the set of languages that the product uses.

Keep the maximum number of languages: If the copies differ in the number
of languages they support and both support all the languages that the product
needs, Windows Installer keeps the copy that supports the most languages.

Treat non-versioned files as user data: If there is no version information for
either copy, Windows Installer compares the file creation date and the last modification date for the file on the computer. If the modification date is later than the creation date, Windows Installer assumes this file has been customized by the user and does not overwrite it. Otherwise, it installs a new copy.

Companion files go along with the versioned file: It’s possible to mark a
file within the Installer database that does not include version information as a companion file to a file that does include version information. In this case, the companion file is installed if the other file is installed. There is one exception to this rule, though. If the companion file is not present on the target machine, it’s installed even if the versioned file is not installed.

It’s a good thing that these rules match the way most developers would like
installations to behave because there’s no way for you to change them. Of course, you can pervert their intention if you feel you must. One way to guarantee that a file from the source media is installed is to set its version string in the File table to 65535.65535.65535.65535, which is the maximum version number that the Windows Installer accommodates. Beware, though: if you do this, you’ll never be able to use the Windows Installer to replace that copy of the file with a new version.


INSTALLDIR represents the main product installation directory 

TARGETDIR represents the installation directory for an administrative Windows Installer–based installation (when the user runs MsiExec.exe with
the /a command-line switch)